How Easy Are the Artifact Challenges at Ilvl 940
Im still missing two classe at 110 and m going to complete some today when the Mg tower opens.The tank ones i want to say this since it was my favorite.
Hardest:Prot Paladin-Completed last week, im 926-930.Really struggle with this one, specially with the Kruul phase and the increase damage.Legos:Retri Shoulder and Archi Trinket
Medium:Blood Dk and Prot Warrior:Blood was the first one and i was a bit undergeared compared to the other classes both those challenges weren't difficult as Prot.Pala but i did need time to learn how to do the encounter on the specs.(I almost did prot warrior without any buffs T-T)
Easy:Vengeance:It was pathetic, i was struggling with Havoc one, i decided to try the tank so i could cool my head, took me 2 tries to complete it, i wiped the first because i misused the silence sigil, once i learned it got done.
Frost Mage and MM hunter:Those are equal because i REALLY struggled with this, killing the guy while near death.
I consider MM to be my greatest achiev because i did without any usefull legos(i had the Healing helm which was useless in a challenge that i need to move all the time.S.Priest- Fun, to say the least, wasn't hard due to my gear but i struggled a bit.
Aff.Warlock- Didn't had the Ring but using the Infernal method made the challenge really dull, i don't thing they shoul've put Aff on a Kiting challenge.
Fel Totem.
All pathetic, Destro was the most pathetic of the bunchDestro you had a spell for EVERY situation, it was the ideal challenge for the spec, BM was the most interesting but it was because it was the first and i was still learning.
Disc is ridiculous because its a interrupt challenge for a spec that has no interrupts but still can do the challenge because its so easy.
Agatha:I don't like this challenge, its hard i will say, but i never got any joy completing them, either you can't advance or you just do the same thing the whole fight and suddenly she is dead.
Sigrid:Its fun to do but is completly retarded, survive the overlap and spend half a hour dpsing them down.
My Retri paladin manage to use 2 Drums.Also, fuck Arcane mages, unless you have a good lego or nether crucible you can't do it because of no self heal.
The Eye:Like this challenge, struggled with Havoc Dh and Surv.Hunter on the last phase.Dh due to Dps and Surv. due to slow on the Adds
Frost Dk was difficult because it was my first challenge but it has everything to counter the fight(except for movement)Also my most epic finish was dying on my Arms warrior on the boss with 1% and he died by bleed.
Healing:Still working on them, i hate each of one those npcs and Blizzard since they can't fix Latin Servers.
- - - Updated - - -Can't say much for Healing but once you learn what each skill does to you on Feltotem it becomes a breeze.
Originally Posted by Aeula
Destro Warlocks has 3 silences and a Fear, use the silence on the cast and when he cast Earthquake fear him.
Priest:The tauren will put a dot on you, which you can dispel and avoid damage.
And for the healing, im still progressing but on the Holy priest.
The mage Npc will gain a Buff every time he casts. Other classes need to stun him to "cleanse" him, but you can dispell this debuff, making the whole thing alot easier.
Last edited by Darktbs; 2017-12-24 at 03:42 AM.
Mage Tower Final Result:
Dk:3/3 Mage:3/3 Mage:3/3 Mage:1/3 Dh:2/2 Warlock:3/3 Hunter: 3/3 Priest:3/3 Paladin:3/3 Warrior: 3/3 Rogue:3/3 Shaman:3/3 Monk:3/3 Druid: 4/4
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